The REAL face of Henry VII? Experts to scan 500-year-old funeral effigy head to find out how medieval craftsman made it so lifelike

New Photo - The REAL face of Henry VII? Experts to scan 500-year-old funeral effigy head to find out how medieval craftsman made it so lifelike
The REAL face of Henry VII? Experts to scan 500-year-old funeral effigy head to find out how medieval craftsman made it so lifelike
He was the first Tudor monarch, the king who vanquished Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. So when Henry VII died in 1509 after suffering from gout and asthma, he was fittingly buried in Westminster Abbey. But now, the remarkably lifelike effigy head that rested atop his coffin during his funeral is set to be scanned by experts to try to find out exactly how it was made.
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